1- I don't believe their scheme is really commercially viable.

2- After years of research and exploration, diamond mining has become commercially viable in Canada's far north.

3- I think that the Apple Computer was one of the first commercially available machines that really popularized the home computer.

4- The next few months will determine whether or not our homemade jams are going to be commercially viable.

5- Microsoft made CPS commercially available last fall.

6- 'The Lego Movie,' released last year, was a hit both critically and commercially, grossing $468 million worldwide.

7- 14 of 15 15 photos Despite their deadly venoms, sea snakes are commercially harvested in Asia and made into soups.

8- As far as is known, it was never commercially produced.

9- Autonomous driving features are at least seven to 10 years away from becoming commercially available.

10- But the band has not released a full-length album since the commercially disappointing "Freak Magnet" in 2000.

11- For us, the big win is to commercially land on the moon, and open up the pathway to the moon."

12- However, commercially the show was still a success.

13- However, they are not allowed to be commercially sold.

14- Hunstanton was ready to take off commercially.

15- It does so without the need for facial reference markers and using only commercially available hardware.

16- It is expected to be one of the most commercially successful new drugs to reach major markets this year.

17- It usually doesn't make sense commercially.

18- Madden said he's not sure if he will commercially fish again.

19- Newer versions are only available commercially.

20- Not recorded commercially or performed for broadcast.

21- Not yet grown commercially, but it will probably be.

22- On the west coast Elf is a commercially fished species.

23- One of my bright new ideas which failed commercially was my first attempt to design a portable television.

24- Q: Which are foraged commercially here in Washington.

25- Should information on entry grades be seen as public information or commercially-sensitive data?'

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