1- The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.

2- This morning it was much cooler than yesterday morning.

3- In Japan, relations between neighbors are apt to be cooler than in USA.

4- The weather today is slightly cooler than yesterday, but it is still quite nice out.

5- It's getting cooler day by day.

6- The weather is becoming cooler.

7- The water cooler is out of order.

8- As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.

9- The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.

10- The higher we go up, the cooler the air becomes.

11- The weather forecast says it will be cooler tomorrow.

12- This morning it was much cooler than yesterday morning.

13- He collared her by the water cooler and asked her for a date.

14- Hot stars emit more radiation per second than do cooler stars.

15- It's getting cooler, particularly in the mornings and evenings.

16- I feel cooler standing in the shade, rather than out in the sun.

17- In Japan, relations between neighbors are apt to be cooler than in USA.

18- The weather today is slightly cooler than yesterday, but it is still quite nice out.

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