76- CBS This Morning Search crews find bodies, debris from AirAsia Flig..

77- Cinder from a welding operation fell through a grate and ignited debris, which sent up a lot of smoke, Swanson said.

78- Concrete does not have enough debris or grip to help with this forward motion, Ward said.

79- Construction workers continued to clear out debris.

80- Could debris of such diverse size, weight and buoyancy end up on the same small island at the same time?

81- Crews began removing debris, assessing the repairs and securing the county equipment Wednesday morning.

82- Cruise still had to act while braving 185-mph winds, turning even small particles into dangerous debris.

83- debris blows across Burnaby's intersection of Lougheed Highway and Lake City Way where street lights are out.

84- debris flow temporarily closed state Highway 49 north of East Glacier.

85- debris from the badly-damaged car was strewn across four lanes of Crowchild Trail.

86- debris from the crashed jet lies in a field in Ukraine.

87- debris from the fireworks has been found in the neighborhood, and more evidence is being collected.

88- debris smoulders in a field near the Russian border.

89- debris was scattered about and a ladder had been set up alongside the overturned bus.

90- Deidrich also vacuumed the vehicle to collect debris.

91- Designer debris 7 photos Adriaan Swanepoel collects old bread tags and turns them into lighting features.

92- Dove said that logs and debris are sometimes washed down streams where they block pipes.

93- Dozens of rescue workers and volunteers searched all day Friday in the mud and debris for survivors and victims.

94- Dustpans carry dust and debris swept into them.

95- Eleven have been rescued from under the debris.

96- Employees at neighboring businesses rushed to the scene to help the victims and worked to remove some of the debris.

97- Ensure there's no snow, trees, garbage or other debris blocking them.

98- Families picked through the debris to salvage what little they could.

99- Fishing line, nets, rope and other debris can entangle and drown many wildlife species.

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