26- No sooner does one of us say something than the other is already responding.

27- David Suzuki notes that we humans are social beings, herd animals who depend on each other at every stage of our lives.

28- Richard Bach wrote that the bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

29- I was really nervous to see how they dealt with each other just now.

30- I guess things were touchandgo between them.

31- Dominant male buffalo roam singly throughout their herd, searching for mating opportunities, and challenging each other.

32- They are always at each other's throats.

33- What he says, and what he does totally contradict each other.

34- The store was so crowded that they lost sight of each other.

35- They rob, and furthermore cheat each other.

36- The young teenagers were shuffling around the dance floor, too shy to look at each other.

37- You see, when you have just started a relationship you want to be close to each other don't you?

38- HautisJohn Kerry and George W.

39- Bush will confront each other in their first public debate this evening.

40- Japan and the U.

41- S.

42- are the most important trading partner to each other.

43- Manjiro played a part in making the two countries friends with each other.

44- They are not much different in character from each other.

45- They are on good terms with each other.

46- It ended up being canceled, but it gave us a chance to learn each other's feelings.

47- They have a se affinity for each other.

48- His paintings have these lovely, fluid lines that seem to melt into each other.

49- After all they came to terms with each other.

50- We would often give each other little presents.

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