1- The eighteenth century has long divided critical opinion.

2- This question was important to eighteenth century citizens.

3- Wooden dolls were very popular throughout the eighteenth century .

4- In the eighteenth century prize medals became common.

5- Oval rooms became popular in eighteenth century neoclassical architecture.

6- They were mourning rings, real eighteenth century .

7- This created a cultural connection lasting until the eighteenth century .

8- Elsewhere the eighteenth century saw developments of comparable importance.

9- It is now decorated by eighteenth century frescoes.

10- These hardly moved in money terms through the eighteenth century .

11- The earliest portraits date to the eighteenth century .

12- These date from the late eighteenth century .

13- The story begins in the early eighteenth century .

14- All the fine fourteenth to eighteenth century buildings are gone.

15- Significant Arkansas history throughout the eighteenth century is fairly brief.

16- In the eighteenth century working-class women worked.

17- By the late eighteenth century , settlement patterns shifted.

18- The eighteenth century pharmacopoeia was none too impressive.

19- This second edition contains a new chapter on eighteenth century developments.

20- Other eruptions have been reported throughout the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries .

21- They all existed in the eighteenth century .

22- Services were probably held sporadically therefore even in the eighteenth century .

23- This applied up to the eighteenth century .

24- Parliament accelerated the prisoner trade in the eighteenth century .

25- This situation continued well into the eighteenth century .

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