1- Julius Caesar was the first known person to encode communications in order to keep his messages secret.

2- Is it true that the iTunes' MP encoder has poor sound quality?

3- After the fall, when the robot's encoders went nuts, the team detected that failure and switched sensor modes.

4- But it might still encode, in a way statistics can reveal, information about the society that produced it.

5- But there's not enough time for that to be encoded in your long-term memory system before you get the physical shakeup."

6- Compression HDV video is compressed with MPEG-2 encoder.

7- Note that wav files can also be encoded with the gsm codec.

8- Notice that every letter is encoded into another.

9- Re-encoded video does not, however, include DVB subtitles.

10- The "pins" for the certificates of online services have to be encoded into Firefox.

11- The 115 images are encoded in analogue form.

12- The altitude information is sent in an encoded format.

13- The history of a galaxy is also encoded in the dynamics of its stars.

14- The locative form is also used to encode possession.

15- The table itself is often Huffman encoded (e.g.

16- Then, one pixel after another, they sent the encoded portraits along the laser beam.

17- This encoder implementation sends three sub-blocks of bits.

18- A controversial issue among the layout community is the use of HTML encoders to scramble their codes.

19- A Linear encoder is similar to a rotary encoder, but measures position in a straight line, rather than rotation.

20- A scheme in which the commanded position for each servo is transmitted as a digitally encoded number.

21- A subnet mask encodes the same information as a prefix length, but predates the advent of CIDR.

22- According to an input bit the encoder at the next turn can convert either to the "01" state or the "11" state.

23- AES/EBU was designed primarily to support PCM encoded audio in either DAT format at 48 kHz or CD format at 44.1 kHz.

24- All sets are encoded in PAL format and have no region encoding.

25- An autostereogram encoded for wall-eyed viewing will produce incoherent 3D patterns when viewed cross-eyed.

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