1- Some denominations allow more freedom of thought than others.

2- Our power is in freedom of thought and research.

3- I think that shows freedom of thought .

4- It's about individual freedom of thought .

5- freedom of thought is the life blood of science.

6- Are men and women allowed this freedom of thought ?

7- What about freedom of thought under the Communists?

8- The use of the vernacular encouraged much freedom of thought .

9- No one could indulge in freedom of thought without expecting punishment.

10- freedom of thought and movement are their most cherished desires.

11- He mainly argued for religious toleration and freedom of thought .

12- All beliefs support freedom of thought , belief, speech and expression.

13- Progressive child-rearing develops freedom of thought and expression, creativity.

14- Civic betterment, freedom of thought , and universal charity.

15- This can be equated with the quest for freedom of thought .

16- The Enlightenment shattered such obscurantist fetters on freedom of thought .

17- In this process I become conscious of my theoretical freedom of thought .

18- freedom of thought and expression he found were essential to this pursuit.

19- A thriving arts scene helps open minds and allows freedom of thought and creativity .

20- One type – the rarer form – operates openly and encourages freedom of thought .

21- It impinges upon freedom of thought .

22- freedom of thought and written and oral expression is historically a relatively recent development.

23- This shifted the focus to the importance of freedom of thought and expression.

24- It is religious dogma, and an assault upon freedom of thought and inquiry.

25- It emphasizes high academic standards and freedom of thought , expression, and inquiry.

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