26- For many people, voice and handwritten input may be more familiar than existing desktop keyboards.

27- Given by me to Arthur Somervell, Jas Collet," the handwritten note says.

28- Hence, I want to commit suicide," said a handwritten note recovered from the spot.

29- In this day and age, a handwritten note is something that people really feel is special.

30- Latest MomsEveryday News The Art of the handwritten Note Is the art of the handwritten note dying?

31- One says Bland attempted suicide in 2015, and the other handwritten form appears to show 2014.

32- Similar to a handwritten signature, a signature work describes the work as readily identifying its creator.

33- Tacked to the bulletin board above Claudette Okemow's desk is a handwritten card.

34- The book was accompanied by a handwritten note by the author in Elvish.

35- The book was first presented to the Archbishop in handwritten form, with drawings of fencing positions and actions.

36- The handwritten ink on the toolbox lid reads ‘1846 Toolbox ELD from CLD'.

37- The idea of a weekly, handwritten newssheet went from Italy to Germany, and then to Holland.

38- The Report with final handwritten provisions was posted on a House website that evening.

39- They were often employed to tedious tasks, such as making handwritten copies of documents.

40- The 1288 'page reader' could handle up to legal size OCR font typewritten pages, as well as handwritten numerals.

41- Haugen's handwritten notations would be clarified and transcribed later, which later proved easier said than done.

42- The following May he began the so-called Quaderni Rossi, handwritten in old school exercise books with red covers.

43- Fans scribbled both the door of room 158 with notes and messages, while many left handwritten messages on the doorstep.

44- The original Manuscript is lost, however it survives in four different handwritten copies, about a hundred years younger.

45- 973676 Hudal sent Hitler a copy with a handwritten dedication praising him as the new Siegfried of Germany's greatness""."

46- 31875 This evokes the handwritten diminuendo"" style of gradually reducing the text size over the course of the first line."

47- They held story conferences and, by late November 1977, Lucas had produced a handwritten treatment called The Empire Strikes Back.

48- The official lettering of Shandong University has been taken from the handwritten address of this letter from Mao Zedong to Gao Heng.

49- Only a handwritten note on the last page of the standard red membership booklet mentioned the individual trade union they belonged to.

50- A general and an esquire each employ martial artists to help steal a handwritten scroll of Tripitaka hidden in the monastery's library.

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