76- " From 1915 to 1965 the handwritten name of every graduate was painted in gold on the ceiling. 64.1922

77- In 1820 a handwritten catalog of 3,168 titles was published and is now in the library's Rare Book Room.

78- The Pillow Book was circulated at court, and for several hundred years existed in handwritten manuscripts.

79- Police found handwritten suicide notes in the bedroom where she was staying, dated a week before her death.

80- These 'seals' (not seals in the usual sense, as they are handwritten ) are lineal drawings, often complicated.

81- Teresa's handwritten confession, as printed in Harper's Enraged at his discovery, Sickles confronted his wife.

82- Unless your handwriting is illegible, or the form specifically asks for typewriting, the form should be neatly handwritten .

83- Though ostensibly silent, a handwritten letter from someone we know speaks with the voice-querulous, joking, ardent, tinged with an accent from Padua or Bulawayo-of its author.

84- A handwritten note was tacked to the wall.

85- There are hundreds of signed snapshots of Malverde believers, burning candles and handwritten notes of gratitude.30 Sometimes it is necessary and desirable to leave hand-drawn and handwritten input as it is.

86- Her handwritten notes were interspersed throughout the text.

87- Input was lower case handwritten print via a graphics tablet.

88- As with handwritten letters, electronic communications have also tended to supplant actual spoken conversations with others.

89- Dougal flicked through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions could wait.

90- handwritten data is input to a computer via an electronic tablet which accurately captures x, y coordinate information of pen-tip movement.

91- With their handwritten text, intricate maps and exquisite drawings, they were hailed as a work of art.

92- The letter was handwritten , in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl.

93- On 22 June, Sir William forwarded his detailed plan, which covered no less than nine, closely handwritten pages.

94- The facsimile editions are worth the ?12.95 price tag for the Frenchified handwritten text and superb colour printing.

95- The scene of the accident was surrounded by flowers, many with handwritten cards expressing sympathy.

96- After studying the handwritten pages, Dalzell reached for his phone.

97- Having to type up my handwritten work was a real grind.

98- The handwritten 520 word business text was used as input.

99- Dougal flicked through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions could wait.

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