1- I'm headed for my sister's wedding.

2- She and her husband have a lot of serious problems, and it is apparent to me that she is headed for a divorce.

3- appealThe hunting dog headed for the woods.

4- The young man has had a number of brushes with the law and seems to be headed for serious problems.

5- The soldiers headed for the frontier with caution.

6- The train headed for the station.

7- He headed for the door at full speed.

8- We need someone who has a vision of where this company should be headed for the future.

9- The island of Bermuda was first settled in 1609 by shipwrecked English colonists headed for Virginia.

10- By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the political power of Venice was in decline and the city was headed for economic ruin.

11- We should be headed for world peace.

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