1- This was historically important 50 years ago.

2- This area was historically outside city territory.

3- The costumes are almost never completely historically correct.

4- These words are strong and historically true.

5- Burial alive has historically been a significant problem.

6- The potential side millionaire forest termed the selection historically many.

7- Summer has historically shown low levels of blood donations.

8- historically cleaning has always been a low status occupation.

9- The term fair was historically synonymous with beauty.

10- No doubt this interest is historically grounded.

11- Teen pregnancy has historically also been very high.

12- It is something historically original and horrible.

13- historically such rapid collapses have always involved controlled demolition.

14- This student dialogue presents historically plausible chains of events.

15- The market for plastics has historically been more problematic.

16- The historically defining strategies employed during these battles are explored throughout.

17- The selected youth are from historically deprived communities.

18- Thought leadership historically has largely been conducted by marketing.

19- historically the bike ride has occurred around athletic campus.

20- The respondents were both companies of historically disadvantaged persons.

21- Oregon has historically struggled to fund higher education.

22- Still–superior entertainment for historically inclined mystery fans.

23- The election saw a historically low turnout.

24- Long vowels are those that historically were lengthened.

25- The historically rooted and deeply persistent poverty is troubling.

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