1- The role of the urban housewife in Paraguay is to raise children, and tend the home.

2- Women no longer are satisfied with their traditional role of housewife, and are seeking recognition of needs in the workplace.

3- I met her a long time after graduation, and she had totally become a housewife.

4- I am a housewife.

5- brauliobezerraA housewife has many domestic duties.

6- Studies show that the average housewife walks 10 miles a day around the house doing her chores.

7- The traditional feminine role is that of a housewife and mother.

8- Returning to the workforce after 10 years as a housewife was a difficult readjustment for my mother.

9- There was a short pause and the housewife said.

10- .

11- .

12- A housewife should be economical.

13- In 1943, the Court of Appeal in London ruled that any money a housewife saved from the housekeeping belonged to her husband.

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