76- I think of the many men I killed with my pencil, and I apologize for having killed them in vain, he said.

77- It was nice to birdie 18 but it was all sort of in vain."

78- Many say his courage will be in vain if Islamabad continues to appease Islamists.

79- 'No matter what the grand jury decides, I don't want my son's death to be in vain.'

80- Otherwise everything has been fought for in vain.

81- Over the next several hours, SWAT officers attempted in vain to make contact with the suspect, police said.

82- Rescuers search in vain for the capsized boat.

83- She wants a good relationship with a fellow Conservative leader (as Kohl did, in vain, with Margaret Thatcher).

84- So that he may stand trial and the two that died didn't have to die in vain.

85- 'Still a big problem here' Robert Sinclair also took exception to Preston's remark that Sinclair did not die in vain.

86- Svindal said the Olympics were not on his mind as he waited, in vain, for the start.

87- The ICC has repeatedly called on Libya in vain to hand him over.

88- The patriarch tried in vain to bring them to reason.

89- They waited for a response for three years, in vain.

90- Zeyno urges the men to resist, but in vain.

91- A few years later, the sole survivor among the wild men, the Glacier Man, searched for his allies, but in vain.

92- About 400 years ago, successive Mughal rulers attemped in vain to capture this area.

93- After the death of Edward VII, Grand Duke Michael, pushed by his wife, tried in vain to obtain an English title for her.

94- As Cowan looked in vain for his team bus, a Chinese player waved to him to get on his Chinese team bus.

95- Back on the Enterprise Troi gets her own face back and is reassured by Picard that N'Vek's sacrifice was not in vain.

96- Barnes & Noble's efforts to keep up with Amazon have mostly been in vain.

97- Breguswith appears not to have been in exile with him, as she conducted a search for him, but in vain.

98- But he waited in vain; Professor Ueno had suffered a fatal stroke at work.

99- Efforts to help save the elephant were in vain and everyone gave up and left.

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