1- Cynthia Heimel once said that when in doubt, make a fool of yourself.

2- There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative, and acting like the most gigantic idiot on Earth.

3- The author's verbiage produced a document of mammoth size and microscopic import.

4- We'll find out in the next couple of days, with the spinal tap, if there's microscopic cancer in his fluid."

5- A microscopic droplet of blood or saliva on your bare hand could enter through a break in your skin.

6- Despite the microscopic economic benefit, the gravy train of perks keeps unloading at the executive suites.

7- Done View photo A microscopic view of the Ebola virus.

8- Each patch features about 50 microscopic needles as tall and thick as hair strands.

9- However, this was only at the microscopic level.

10- I don't see the days of those microscopic guarantee fees coming back, he said.

11- In 1839 John founded the "Royal microscopical Society".

12- microscopic species could help clean up one of the world's biggest environmental disasters, researchers claim.

13- Moreno started taking microscopic images in his spare time just five years ago.

14- Several copepods -- a type of zooplankton -- were surrounded by microscopic fluorescent polystyrene beads.

15- Should privacy be valued above everything else so we can grow without a microscopic hawkish view on our every action?

16- The snail's 14,000 microscopic teeth produced a slight, not unpleasant, scratching when it slid toward my nostrils.

17- The world is a reading surface-ribbon for any number of distributed microscopic eyes.

18- You can give your mobile device a helping hand, though, and open up a world of microscopic adventures.

19- Your bed sheets Dust mites are microscopic critters that feed on dead flakes of human skin.

20- 'I want to understand the world around me on a microscopic level,' she says.

21- A detailed microscopic analysis revealed the critter's intriguing body shape.

22- A number of Dell Latitude D610 units will develop microscopic fractures of the motherboard.

23- All these shells and tests are usually (but in the case of foraminifera not always) microscopic in size.

24- Alternatively, F.F. can heal people by using her plankton to microscopically sew wounds quickly together.

25- But not to worry - the vast majority of these microscopic squatters aren't there to make trouble.

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