76- Meanwhile, a microscopic world evolves inside the suit, threatening her existence.

77- On microscopic inspection, the tumor cells are readily recognized.

78- The surface is microscopically longitudinally striated.

79- He was also given private home tuition in dissection and cutting microscopic sections.

80- These microscopic particles settle to form porous calcite rims around the pools of water.

81- Surface roughness cause microscopic stress concentrations that lower the fatigue strength.

82- microscopic images of the soil taken by Opportunity revealed small spherically shaped granules.

83- Those 170 sections were then sliced in microscopic slivers and mounted onto slides and stained.

84- The microscopic or atomic objects exist in species, the objects of each species being all alike.

85- Tissue diagnosis The microscopic examination of tissue ( histology ) gives the definitive diagnosis.

86- 232066 microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg--Landau equations in the theory of superconductivity""."

87- They are marked by exceedingly fine, almost vertical lines of growth and microscopic spiral striations.

88- The seeds are generally almost microscopic and very numerous, in some species over a million per capsule.

89- Nanoprobes are microscopic machines that inhabit a Borg's body, bloodstream, and many cybernetic implants.

90- Jimenez and others), microscopic analysis of the mural paintings and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

91- 51842 The virus of epidermodysplasia verruciformis: electron microscopic and fluorescent antibody studies""."

92- When asbestos-containing material is damaged or disintegrates, microscopic fibres are dispersed into the air.

93- It is the microscopic embodiment of city traffic pattern that resident makes trip mode.

94- microscopically, caseous necrosis is characterized by acellular pink areas of necrosis, as seen here at the upper right, surrounded by a granulomatous inflammatory process.

95- microscopically the ores are medium grained to amorphous.

96- He carefully recounts the tale, the microscopic details of those crucial minutes.

97- This is normal lung microscopically. The alveolar walls are thin and delicate.

98- microscopically, section of the breast shows a background of fibrocystic change.

99- In the cryogenic temperature field, the change of steel structure is random and ultramicroscopic, and it is also a kind of progressive changing process.

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