1- A military committee was functioning in the military academy .

2- The 175 acre campus served as a military academy since 1926.

3- Military academies may or may not grant university degrees.

4- At 18, he entered the military academy .

5- Russia has a number of military academies of different specialties.

6- In 1808, Napoleon built the military academy .

7- Sumitro subsequently encouraged his son to attend military academy .

8- They were sent to a military academy in Germany.

9- Scholarships to military academies can be won by poor children.

10- It also applies these changes to the military academies .

11- The United States armed forces opened its military academies to women.

12- Musharraf : He did live close to the military academy .

13- The units were based at nearby Page military academy .

14- He organized Siam's Defence and established military academies .

15- He went to a private military academy until he finished high school.

16- Wentworth military academy , 125th Anniversary.

17- The Fork Union military academy is founded.

18- In 1912 he graduated from the military academy in Istanbul.

19- To please his parents he attended a New York military academy .

20- There are now four military academies in the United Kingdom.

21- In 1917 he enrolled in Blackstone military academy .

22- During the Song Dynasty, a military academy was established.

23- It covers the subject of a military academy for your country.

24- He finally graduated from Valley Forge military academy .

25- He then attended St. Joseph military academy .

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