51- I will be leaving for Morocco next week.

52- Father intends to go to abroad next week.

53- I am thinking of going to Kobe next week.

54- I'm supposed to go to New York next week.

55- My driver's license will expire next week.

56- We all anticipate seeing you next weekend.

57- My father is going to go abroad next week.

58- I am going to take two days off next week.

59- The minister is to visit Mexico next week.

60- He is going to buy a new bicycle next week.

61- I'm planning to leave for Europe next week.

62- The farewell party will be given next week.

63- Please remember to see my father next week.

64- I will have finished the work by next week.

65- I will be traveling round Europe next week.

66- Tom Cruise's new movie premieres next week.

67- She will visit her uncle in Kyoto next week.

68- I'll get you the info you need by next week.

69- I'm looking forward to seeing you next week.

70- Please tell me what will be coming next week.

71- I will get in touch with you next week.TheDQN

72- She will start her maternity leave next week.

73- My son is going to leave for France next week.

74- The game may have been put off till next week.

75- I'll have to work overtime every day next week.

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