51- But the roots for this new openness actually started a few years prior.

52- Difference from Polish secessionist group Sztuka was in SVU Mánes' openness to international art scene.

53- Ford always remembered his openness and encouragement at the start of his career.

54- Greater governmental openness and smaller government are two components of the solution.

55- He had openness to Jews who were outside of accepted circles (publicans, sinners, prostitutes).

56- It reflects many conservative positions of the Pope, but also his openness to science and new developments.

57- It requires vulnerability, openness, courage and bravery to dare greatly.

58- JFK's architecture reflected both the openness and security demanded in the era of free speech and burning cities.

59- Our mutual ties of friendship are filled with sympathy, and trust, and openness.

60- Read this literature entitled "Free Culture" by Lawrence Lessig to know more on "openness on the Internet."

61- Security - Involvement in the NOD requires a degree of openness that exists nowhere else.

62- Some disagreement remains about how to interpret the openness factor, which is sometimes called " Intellect ".

63- That general trend suggests an openness to the message behind Black Lives Matters.

64- The British New Wave feature films are often associated with a new openness about working class life (e.g.

65- The first step is more openness and transparency about mental illness.

66- The initiative sets global standards for openness in the natural resources industries.

67- The latter assesses Spiritual Support and Spiritual openness.

68- The Nolls and Landrys and, yes, Belichicks might scoff at the openness.

69- The openness of unsigned draft documents was not mandated, but up to the consideration of the public official.

70- The red portion of the flag represents peace and openness of Kyrgyzstan.

71- Their soft power has convinced the government to show flickers of cultural openness.

72- This openness to National Socialism by many at Maria Laach did not go unnoticed by the Nazi press.

73- We must become children again who reside in a world of spontaneity, openness and risk taking.

74- openness openness is a quality of syllables, which may be either open, semi-open, semi-closed, or fully closed.

75- When I am president I will empower the federal government to operate from a presumption of openness, not secrecy.

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