26- I felt really sick last night, otherwise, I would have come to your party.

27- The procedures for the experiment must be followed rigorously, otherwise, the results could be put in doubt.

28- I always have to trim the fat off the meat before serving it, otherwise, the children simply won't touch it.

29- We need to update our computer system because otherwise these new programs won't work.

30- The dishes were not so delicious, but otherwise the party was a success.

31- Kathleen Turner once said that being a sex-symbol has to do with attitude not looks.

32- Most men think it's looks, but most women know otherwise.

33- The Buddha tells us that to keep the body in good health is a duty.

34- otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

35- As Gandhi once said, whenever you have truth, it must be given with love, otherwise, the message and the messenger will be rejected.

36- We'd better cover up the food until we start eating, otherwise, the flies will get into it.

37- I think otherwise.

38- The driver of the car suffered minor internal injuries from his seatbelt, but was otherwise okay.

39- We had a couple of days of cloudy weather, but our vacation was otherwise perfect.

40- Actor James Earl Jones once suggested that because criminals carry guns, law-abiding citizens should also have guns, otherwise the criminals will win and decent people will lose.

41- He is noisy, but otherwise a very nice boy.

42- We'd better leave pretty soon, otherwise, we'll miss the bus.

43- We started at once, otherwise we would have missed him.

44- Be punctual for appointments, otherwise you'll lose face.

45- He got a slight bump on his head in the car accident, but was otherwise fine.

46- Jiro could not act otherwise.

47- CPI have to study hard for the exam, otherwise, I doubt I'll pass.

48- Please call your grandmother on her birthday, otherwise, she'll get upset.

49- He is honest and hardworking, but his brother is quite otherwise.

50- We sometimes have to ask our neighbor's kids to turn their music down, but we get along quite well otherwise.

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