1- Fields where ownership is unknown are left blank.

2- Home ownership has never been more important.

3- In many cases land ownership was never officially registered.

4- Coal mines gradually came under public ownership .

5- The surrounding area is under private ownership .

6- ownership changes may increase future property taxes.

7- To hold state office required land ownership until 1868.

8- Private hospitals were brought under public ownership .

9- A gun safe is responsible gun ownership .

10- A bona fide purchaser does acquire ownership .

11- Providence has passed many city ordinances addressing dog ownership .

12- Suddenly ownership without leadership felt profoundly inadequate.

13- Richard had quit driving to try car ownership .

14- We promote ownership and accountability through informed choices.

15- Most machines characterize ownership during area or foreign individual.

16- One alternative is government ownership of railroads.

17- What the economy needs is narrower ownership .

18- The concept of ownership is quite complex.

19- It is greater than 25% ownership rate.

20- The key regional airports are still in local authority ownership .

21- Parrot ownership is a very serious commitment.

22- The single best break for middle class taxpayers is home ownership .

23- Young bar members are free around the cost ownership .

24- Over the years ownership changed several times.

25- Public ownership leaves room for recognising limited customary rights.

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