26- Brown, who was unarmed, was fatally shot six times by a police officer.

27- For him it's just meeting a police officer.

28- He didn't announce that he was a police officer."

29- His injury included a compound fracture in his leg, police officer said.

30- He was killed accidentally by his own fire, Ghulam Mubashir Maken, District police officer told Reuters."

31- His son, Andrew, has carried on the family tradition as a police officer in the city of Miramichi.

32- In early August, a white police officer shot black teenager Michael Brown.

33- Kemble asked the senior police officer.

34- Not far away, a Monroe police officer circles in an SUV a couple of times, watching Curcio.

35- One police officer was badly wounded and some others less seriously hurt.

36- One police officer was reportedly also killed.

37- police officer Timothy Loehmann shot and..

38- Ray J posted bail today for suspicion of resisting arrest, vandalism and battery on a police officer.

39- Running for peace of mind Gutierez was a police officer in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico for nearly 10 years.

40- She recalled an accident five years ago when a police officer asked her for her driver's license.

41- The IIO is headed up by a chief civilian director, who has never been a police officer, and has 50 employees.

42- The Libyan police officer guarding the diplomatic compound fled as it began.

43- Yesterday somebody claiming to be a police officer went and arrested one of the workers there,"" Onyango said."

44- You talk to any police officer on the street, they do not want video on their bodies,"" Ruttenbur said."

45- You have your gun out because you're a police officer.

46- @DT I sincerely hope you are not, nor ever will be, a police officer.

47- 'Every police officer looked at that and said: ‘That could have been me,'' he said.

48- 'I said to her I was a police officer and I was nicking her for assault.

49- 'I was outraged, but I was also glad that I was a police officer.

50- 'If he thinks it's ok to beat civilians up, he shouldn't be a police officer.'

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