1- The way she flips her ponytail will charm you before you realise it.

2- I used a ribbon to tie my hair into a ponytail.

3- Madekwe's gray shift dress, nude pumps and classic ponytail are the embodiment of minimalism at its best.

4- Julia said, to which Emma, whose long hair was in a slicked-back ponytail, replied, "I'll bring him over!"

5- Mother: "Yes, some men have ponytails too."

6- Now that I've had a few minutes to let Matt Damon's ponytail sink in, I feel like he looks better with it.

7- They don't know the story of the old hippie, with his ponytail, beard and earring.

8- They ripped off his mask and part of his ponytail before he fled.

9- Thrashing, grating guitars alternating with speed-sung, quirky lyrics by ponytailed, adorable teen girls.

10- We should sell Chrissy hot pants and T-shirts and snap-on ponytails.'

11- A lone volunteer, a Syrian man with a gray ponytail and silver earring worked alongside the Serb.

12- Arista Arista has a red tail with a matching seashell bra and long, blonde hair tied in a sloppy ponytail.

13- Belphegor's appearance is a girl with long dark hair in a ponytail.

14- Chika has grown her hair longer and no longer wears it in two ponytails.

15- Despite this, Ste became increasingly violent and started to hit Amy, on one occasion even cutting off her ponytail.

16- Her main form of offense is using her magically endowed ponytail as a crude whip.

17- Kat has pink hair with a single ponytail, while Ana has red-orange hair with two ponytails.

18- Morgan had long grey hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a craggy face with a perpetually grim, often sour expression.

19- Other specialists Bishop (only named in the 4K dub) is a specialist with a purple ponytail on top of his head.

20- People with long hair in a ponytail may pull it through the gap in the cap above the adjustor.

21- She has red hair in a ponytail, and uses a spear though she equips great swords like Edward.

22- She wears tight clothing and has a tall auburn hairdo and a braided ponytail.

23- She wore her hair in a ponytail with one curl kissing the forehead.

24- Such '80s fads included wearing two Swatches and using a Swatch as a ponytail band.

25- Tiff Baldomero, a young woman with a tight ponytail, waved her hand dismissively.

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