26- I am the fastest runner.

27- The runner massaged his sore feet at the end of the race.

28- The runner stumbled at the start of the race and was unable to catch up with the pack after that.

29- The marathon runner collapsed from sheer exhaustion after the race.

30- Henderson was robbed of his gold medal by the brilliant performance of the Kenyan runner.

31- The runner had to literally crawl over the finish line after hurting his foot in the last hundred meters of the marathon.

32- They will catch up with the lead runner soon.

33- Miss Kanda is a very fast runner.

34- The runner is appearing in this race fresh from her gold medal win in the World Championships.

35- What a fast runner Miss Kanda is!The runners were all trying to maneuver themselves into a good position at the start of the race.

36- runner Michael Johnson once remarked, "Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter, long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the oThe runner took a break from training for a day to conserve his energy before the big race.

37- Many runners passed out in the heat.

38- The high school has a nice new track where the runners are meeting for practices.

39- The Jamaican runner overtook his American rival in the last 100 yards of the race.

40- The runner attributed his poor showing in the quarter-finals to a slight cold.

41- The runner collapsed with exhaustion after completing his first marathon.

42- Winning this race is the runner's last step in qualifying for the Olympics.

43- The runner spiked the catcher in the ankle when he slid into home.

44- The runner tripped over the first hurdle and fell to the track.

45- He is fast runner.

46- He is such a strong runner that he should be able to win this race with ease.

47- The runner had reached the halfway mark.

48- The runner was barred from the competition after testing positive for a banned substance.

49- In 1978, Kenyan runner Henry Rono smashed three world track records.

50- He is the fastest runner in our class.

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