1- shock-absorbing cartilage covers the surfaces where these three bones touch.

2- Often a shock-absorbing layer or wedge is incorporated.

3- shock-absorbing devices of many types have been given a hard look.

4- Tough, shock-absorbing rubber buffers prevent unpleasant jarring.

5- As a result, it loses its shock-absorbing properties.

6- Both these tools are fitted with shock-absorbing buffers to stop jarring.

7- Playgrounds with shock-absorbing surfaces such as mulch or sand also prevent head injuries.

8- It may incorporate a shock-absorbing layer, avoiding the necessity of a mid-sole.

9- The match takes place on a thick rubber mat that is shock-absorbing to ensure safety.

10- Sorbothane shock-absorbing insoles, which soak up 94.7% of impact shock.

11- Patented shock-absorbing Spherical (SAS) piston delivers stable secondary pressure. 5.

12- The insurance sector is stabilising because of its shock-absorbing capacity and its long-term investment horizon.

13- The Knockermen wore leather armour, designed to be shock-absorbing , and conical leather hats.

14- Instead, they have a shock-absorbing ligament that suspends them from the bony tooth socket.

15- During high-speed travel, this system assures a smooth ride through the use of shock-absorbing accumulators.

16- And he also mentioned the possibility of printed shock-absorbing parts between the printed exterior and the chassis .

17- Some models come housed in low-profile enclosures, while others are wrapped in shock-absorbing material within ruggedized cases.

18- The outer, harder sole is moulded first and the second, shock-absorbing layer is added to it.

19- Normally, the shock-absorbing disc is able to handle the downward pressure of gravity and the strain from daily activities.

20- One way to protect a delicate device like a smartphone is to wrap it in layers of shock-absorbing rubber and plastic.

21- There's also a shock-absorbing lining on the inside that will keep your Note 3 safe if it takes a tumble.

22- The main advantage of such gear is that no other shock-absorbing device is needed; the deflecting leaf provides the shock absorption.

23- Built with a shatter-resistant polycarbonate frame clad in shock-absorbing silicone the Survivor All-Terrain case can handle almost anything your day has in store.

24- Everything possible was done to reduce noise while the cars were in motion, including acoustic blankets, special side friction blocks and rubber shock-absorbing pads, and devices to prevent rattling of brake-gear and any creaking of the car structure.


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