1- But her college life was short lived .

2- The fall from grace was short lived .

3- However her super heroine retirement was short lived .

4- The beneficial effect may be short lived .

5- This view was short lived , however.

6- Most were short lived , often receiving few warnings.

7- Charles' 2011 season was short lived .

8- Their renewed zeal was short lived , however.

9- The optimism proved to be short lived .

10- The importance of the port was short lived .

11- But the sudden sense of comfort was short lived .

12- At best results that do appear are short lived .

13- His vision of a unified empire proved short lived .

14- However his new exile was short lived .

15- The arrangement proved to be short lived .

16- Unfortunately the car was short lived and unsuccessful.

17- The experiment was short lived and a ratings disaster.

18- Their rule of this area was short lived .

19- This cabinet was also short lived and conflict ridden.

20- The breadth of this empire was short lived .

21- And the waste from 4th gen is short lived .

22- The message was heard but only short lived .

23- But the lessons may be short lived .

24- These symptoms may be short lived or chronic.

25- However, this foreclosure relief is usually short lived .

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