1- We should be able to clinch the deal during our meeting with the client this afternoon.

2- There is a gap of about half an hour between the two shows, so we should be able to go and get something to eat.

3- I don't believe that shouting and calling people names is really necessary.

4- We're all adults and we should be able to sit down and work this out together.

5- Discussion question: Do you think the police should be able to use torture to get information from criminals? tossWe have a jar full of bolts of different sizes in the workroom, you should be able to find what you need there.

6- Barring any unexpected delays, we should be able to catch the ten o'clock train.

7- We should be able to complete the report by Monday, barring any unanticipated problems.

8- We had to get a loan to buy our car, but we should be able to pay it off within a couple of years.

9- If you don't have an accident on the snowy roads I think you should be able to get back safely.

10- We have a number of potential purchasers for your home, so we should be able to sell it very soon.

11- He is such a strong runner that he should be able to win this race with ease.

12- With the money Jack won from his lawsuit, he should be able to live on easy street.

13- CPA competent economist should be able to make predictions which are accurate enough to base policy decisions on.

14- In the current economic climate, you should be able to expect a return of at least 10% on most safe investments.

15- Marco is supposedly rich, so he should be able to eat out every night.

16- A good travel agent should be able to help you find a bargain airfare, car rental or hotel room.

17- Discussion question: Do you think a person who is adopted should be able to know the identity of his birth parents even if they didn't want to reveal that information?We haven't quite finalized the speaker's list for the conference, but we should be able to do that within the next few days.

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should be able to in a sentence