1- After their return, they suddenly face the prospect of social acceptance.

2- Cheskin reasoned that it could also be due to the idea of social acceptance and glamour projected by the advertisement.

3- Furthermore, the social acceptance of many these problems hinders their eradication.

4- In some cases, a lack of social acceptance has led to non-implementation of this technology.

5- People whose hair violates such standards may experience real or perceived problems with social acceptance.

6- Through localized Rastafarian community building, America has learned social acceptance, and gained cultural diversity.

7- social acceptance Writing Fingilish is often considered bad style among Persian speakers, and is confined to (very) informal communication.

8- They also feel that borderline behaviour by some of their number would be curtailed or obviated by social acceptance of the attraction.

9- In addition, the institute was a global pioneer in the call for civil rights and social acceptance for homosexual and transgender people.

10- Depression is common due to impaired social acceptance.

11- She was an early love interest of Peter but differences in their levels of social acceptance kept them apart.

12- social acceptance is important for most young people.

13- social acceptance is important for most young people.

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