26- Lewis' father was a slave " sold off early".

27- The estate sold off , no servants.

28- The monastic buildings were taken apart and anything usable was sold off .

29- This suggests a reason why gold is sold off during economic weakness .

30- Stocks rose after the release and bonds sold off .

31- They sell off things, you know.

32- The lenders could no longer sell off the newly originated mortgages.

33- Around 432 mi2 will be sold off in 2013.

34- Lamborghini would subsequently be sold off in 1994.

35- Over time, land was sold off for newer housing.

36- The palace's lands were also sold off in 1810.

37- The estate was then split up and sold off .

38- The Jesuits began selling off their slaves in 1837.

39- They were subsequently sold off , in 2001 and 2006 respectively.

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