26- 'All in' makes every event sound like a decisive, dramatic turning point that provides instant, unambiguous resolution.

27- 'I don't want to sound like Elmer Fudd,' he said.

28- 'I don't want to sound like Richard Nixon, but I'm not a liar.

29- 'I've tried to come up with ways that don't sound like I'm begging for anything.'

30- A 25% success rate may not sound like much, but it's high for discrimination cases.

31- A one percentage point increase doesn't sound like much in the short term, but the numbers can add up fast.

32- All of the songs should sound like you remember them, he says.

33- All of this was considered to sound like Thalberg.

34- And I think as Canadians we should sound like Canadians, even if we get razzed about it.'

35- Barrack sound like what you make when you have Ebola explosive diarrhea and vomit.

36- Being in a position to focus on valuable customers might sound like a luxury.

37- Bill McKay: You make that sound like a death sentence.

38- But if you don't sound like them, it doesn't sound right either.

39- But it doesn't sound like the offensive-tackle-needy Raiders want any part of Incognito.

40- But net metering just doesn't sound like a hot issue.

41- Do I sound like I have no intelligence?" he asked the judge.

42- Does a fortnight of snowboarding in the French Alps with an army of family and friends sound like fun?

43- Does it sound like Mr. Armstrong considers himself to be one of said employees?

44- Does that sound like Margaery (Natalie Dormer) to anyone else?

45- Doesn't sound like a place up on current events.

46- Doesn't sound like it, in fact it sounds like the opposite,..

47- Enough to foul his speech and make him sound like an animal.

48- For example, "Silver Linings Playbook" (2012) is not, even though its title sure does sound like one.

49- He added, 'They made it sound like this is World War III coming.

50- He has one issue with a guy he doesn't like and you make it sound like he does this to everyone.

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