51- Here are some things to say, and not say, that will make you sound like a winner.

52- His fellow Republicans sound like they are ready to test that proposition.

53- Holy shit man, you sound like such a bitch.

54- I can no longer speak to my neighbours who vote for the AK Party, does that sound like a peaceful community to you?

55- I can't imagine what that campaign would sound like if you're against urban renewal, but it could happen.

56- I could do some networking and the parties sound like fun too,' she told The Sun.

57- I know I sound like a tired curmudgeon who probably doesn't even know what Instagram is and hates Facebook.

58- I think I heard five gunshots, but a gunshot in real life doesn't sound like it does on TV.

59- If that doesn't sound like normal PG-rated fare to you, well, you're right, there's nothing too normal about "Max."

60- If, for whatever reason, that doesn't sound like enough calories for you, you can get extra gravy for $2.

61- In Miranda's version, they look like society women in bustles but sound like a Destiny's Child-esque R. & B. girl group.

62- Is that sound like Charlie Brown's mother and father?

63- It didn't sound like a deejay; it wasn't hip.

64- It doesn't sound like a confident team, a team that truly believes it can come back from a 3-0 deficit.

65- It doesn't sound like a huge number, but last year there were 644 cases, so we're nearly a sixth of the way there.

66- It doesn't sound like an English word.

67- It doesn't sound like anything that's out right now, and we loved the message and wanted it to be heard.

68- It doesn't sound like he was in hiding or anything if he allowed a news story about himself.

69- It doesn't sound like it at this point because I think the base cost of extraction is below where the price is."

70- It doesn't sound like they were saying, 'We need nice stones'.

71- It doesn't sound like this particular man ever sought any kind of help or even talked about his depression.

72- It makes it sound like he came out of the politburo to be the General Secretary of the Soviet Union.

73- It might sound like I'm fawning over the One, but there were a few quirks that got on my nerves.

74- Jamie Garcia de Laya 5pts Jamie Garcia de Laya 5pts Great story, you sound like an amazing man!

75- Katelyn Ann Lingle 5pts Everything you just said makes it sound like you are.

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