1- John Bardeen was the only physicist to receive the prize twice, for work in semiconductors and superconductivity.

2- See also * superconductivity References The BCS Papers: *L.

3- This clump of entangled particles in superposition leads to superconductivity.

4- superconductivity The Higgs mechanism can be considered as the superconductivity in the vacuum.

5- 790367 Unreferenced Cryoelectronics or cryolectronics is the study of superconductivity at low temperatures and its applications. 33.7585

6- To maintain superconductivity, the bobbin must be kept below its transition temperature by being immersed in the liquid helium.

7- QCD at finite baryon density: Nucleon droplets and color superconductivity.

8- Type-1.5 superconductivity in multiband systems: the effects of interband couplings.

9- This helped with the problem of superconductivity ; however, the solution eluded Feynman.

10- 232066 Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg--Landau equations in the theory of superconductivity""."

11- The theoretical results have been verified by both the experimental photoemission spectra and ground-state properties, as well as the superconductivity data.

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