1- Your feelings were constantly taken for granted .

2- No games are taken for granted anymore.

3- Anything regular soon gets taken for granted .

4- The broader class system is pretty much taken for granted .

5- Too often data collection and reporting is taken for granted .

6- Nothing is taken for granted and nothing goes without being noticed.

7- All those little things you took for granted !

8- Normally her existence is taken for granted .

9- That attitudes predict verdicts is taken for granted and rarely studied.

10- The organic connection between the four elements was taken for granted .

11- The availability of water is usually taken for granted .

12- Everything I had taken for granted was utterly destroyed.

13- Hate appreciated; love taken for granted .

14- Consistency is henceforth taken for granted unless explicitly mentioned.

15- In ancient times something we take for granted was somewhat rare.

16- Production design can often be taken for granted .

17- There's nothing worse than being taken for granted .

18- These are steps which are taken for granted in many places.

19- It is taken for granted that issues are decided by voting.

20- NEVER take for granted your physical appearance.

21- What am I assuming or taking for granted ?

22- I am so tired of being taken for granted .

23- They are too important to be taken for granted .

24- People moved - it was taken for granted .

25- He knew it was commonplace here, taken for granted almost.

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