51- Increased transparency is at the heart of many of our task force's recommendations.

52- Increasing transparency, ease of purchasing, and mobile-powered shopping are simply hard trends that are here to stay.

53- It also promises greater transparency.

54- It gave $250,000 to the Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit organization that aims to increase transparency in politics.

55- It is certainly instructive for other countries to adopt a policy of transparency and uproot such criminal activities.

56- It said China's public sector lacks transparency and accountability despite the crackdown.

57- It was important to get a transparency report out, he continued.

58- It's about transparency in government and how we perceive politicians and the role the media plays in that.

59- Kim was credited with disbanding a key military faction and bringing transparency to the South's murky financial system.

60- Kipnis offered a more succinct remark about the control against transparency by investigators: "Secrecy invites abuses."

61- Last year the country ranked 156 out of 175 on the transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

62- Maybe more transparency can be introduced.

63- Monday's announcement was greeted by some as a victory for transparency in law enforcement.

64- More transparency would bolster the credibility of both Univision and Hillary Clinton - and serve each of them well.

65- MSF also calls for an independent investigation of the attack to ensure maximum transparency and accountability.

66- My candidacy is an example of transparency, he said.

67- Need a web site for transparency showing scheduled maintenance, budgeted cost, actual cost, and income.

68- Nobody can deny it," says Sylvia Schenk, a sports governance expert with corruption watchdog transparency International.

69- Obama RAN on transparency and he has been the most non-transparent President ever.

70- One companies that has exhibited the art of transparency is Whole Foods.

71- One of the biggest things that the new regulation brings is transparency, he said.

72- Open data campaigner Helen Darbishire says most western European countries lack rigid transparency laws.

73- Other approved provisions included laws to stem money-laundering and to increase corporate transparency.

74- Our mission is to bring more transparency and visibility into the marketplace, said App Annie CEO Bertrand Schmitt.

75- Pope Francis has vowed to make Church finances meet global standards of transparency.

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