51- After the death of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi failed to turn up for the funeral.

52- After waiting for a long time, Yong-min, who concluded that Ahn-chae did not turn up for the meeting, looked worried.

53- And why are they quick to turn up on islands newly formed by volcanic activity?

54- Asenath and the head cultist then turn up, and they try to explain to Armitage how they're part of the same community.

55- But Eeshwar did not turn up on Monday fearing attack by Saidulu's people.

56- Caroline Adamson contacts Campion with information but fails to turn up for their appointment.

57- Chamblin said he has seen progression, but the team needs to "turn up that sense of urgency."

58- Due to Mac's failure to turn up, Caroline accepts Guy's proposal.

59- Dutroux, his wife Martin and Lelièvre were arrested on August 13, 1996. A search of his houses did not turn up anything.

60- Gene and the others then turn up at the house in the nick of time and apprehend the culprit.

61- Half those who entered did not turn up at the Brassérie de l'Espérance, the race headquarters at the start.

62- Hawkwind's bass guitarist failed to turn up and Lemmy was available.

63- He could turn up on the political speech circuit or find work as a TV analyst.

64- He told Burlison to turn up the treble on the amp, which created a pinched, stinging tone to Paul's lead guitar.

65- However, Gahan would rarely turn up to scheduled sessions, and when he did, it would take weeks to get any vocals recorded.

66- However, the Palestinians did not turn up for the game, citing travel problems.

67- IBM and Tokyo Ohka Kogyo turn up Watts on Solar Energy Production.

68- Imogen, in the meantime, spends the whole evening waiting for a date from a dating agency who fails to turn up.

69- Ji-soo did not turn up for the dinner, and was shocked to meet Yuichi looking for her in the plane.

70- Keith and Natalie have an argument later that night just as Al and Billy (a child neighbor of Keith's) turn up.

71- Many were still waiting for the first body of their loved ones to turn up.

72- MoveOn also organized nearly 3,000 "turn up the Heat" house parties on the Monday following its first weekend in theaters.

73- No appointment is necessary, so just turn up with your biggest smiles.

74- Not long after, Georgia contacts Cassie when several of the cast of a Wizard of Oz remake turn up dead.

75- Now it's up to Hannah to turn up the heat and get busy tracking down clues.

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