51- The position of the pegs sent an unambiguous identifying code to the sender, so the sender could verify connection to the correct recipient.

52- In the centre of the month with its unambiguous numbering there was no need for this, though later the term "of the middling month" was used.

53- Well-known licences Use of a well-known licence is often chosen for its unambiguous simplicity: GFDL means the same no matter who is using it.

54- This study used petrography to analyze 20 pottery sherds, and found that five of the samples from San Lorenzo were "unambiguously" from Oaxaca.

55- The UCS contains nearly a hundred thousand abstract characters, each identified by an unambiguous name and an integer number called its code point.

56- However, special care is needed to unambiguously encode the empty list.

57- One rarely finds a legislative history as unambiguous as the FAA's, she wrote.

58- RS-274X is a complete, powerful and unambiguous standard to describe a PCB layer.

59- The POVM strategy for unambiguously discriminating between nonorthogonal states.

60- There are several conventions for expressing values unambiguously.

61- His answer to the question was completely unambiguous. He is clearly against the idea.

62- Since Kalliades had just been saved, only an unambiguous death could mean that he dies.

63- For unambiguous results, the antennas should be spaced half a wavelength apart, or less.

64- unambiguous evidence of any winegrowing right near Deidesheim in Roman times, however, is lacking.

65- As Macklin (2001) points out, both sides may be right, since justice "is not an unambiguous concept".

66- A well-chosen WEP provides a decision maker with an unambiguous estimate upon which to base a decision.

67- " These references do not unambiguously establish how many Moriarty brothers there actually were. 32.2099

68- This process can be painful and revealing but it leads to greater self-awareness - the first step to unambiguous communication.

69- Contrary to a lawyer's yen for neatness there are few unambiguous signposts for modern medics facing this or many other ethical issues.

70- The unambiguous identity of a child's father is crucial for the child's own social identity.

71- The verb is longer but unambiguous, a demonstrative moment as the tongue flicks anxiously away from the palate to release the vowel.

72- The Ten Statements Test thus appears to reveal social class differences in self-concept of an unambiguous kind.

73- Identifying such scars may prove as difficult as linking tsunami deposits unambiguously to impacts.

74- Its structure should be orderly, communications unambiguous, and strategies firmly implemented to prevent splitting.

75- Certainly, there is little strong evidence of an unambiguous growth in permissive child-rearing practice, at least in the United Kingdom.

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