1- A total of eight individuals have already been placed under arrest in Belgium in connection with the attacks.

2- Authorities took photos of the man, identified as Dion Davis, 29, before placing him under arrest.

3- After the officer requested identification and Bishop could not provide any, he was placed under arrest, police said.

4- An altercation ensued as the officer attempted to place Daniel under arrest.

5- As in if you are stopped and told you are under arrest you can just say no and walk away?

6- At that time, Lewis was a person of interest in the Carter investigation, but he was not under arrest, Minden said.

7- Back in September 2012, two other Christians under arrest and awaiting execution in the Islamic world were released.

8- He failed several field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest, according to officials.

9- He says that's when he was told he was under arrest and was dragged from his vehicle.

10- He's under arrest and police are guarding him.

11- It appears that Tucker was placed under arrest.

12- Lusambo, for instance, does not know his father is accused of involvement in his attack and is under arrest in Tanzania.

13- Members of the Chronic Offender Unit announced that Urbanski was under arrest and asked him to leave the residence.

14- Officer: "OK, you're under arrest," and the officer walks her while she is handcuffed to the squad car.

15- Officials with the Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office placed the unidentified students under arrest Tuesday morning.

16- Powell and Wilkinson were placed under arrest.

17- She was placed under arrest and booked on charges of aggravated assault and illegal discharge of a firearm.

18- The driver and passenger were placed under arrest.

19- The man got out and was told he was under arrest for possession of a controlled substance.

20- The Mason County sheriff's office placed Anderson under arrest.

21- The Mounties in Nova Scotia, who are handling the investigation, declined to name the man under arrest.

22- The source told CBS News Marquez is not under arrest and is not considered a suspect in the shooting rampage.

23- They found him at his home and placed him under arrest.

24- Those individuals were not under arrest and officers did not believe any of them would be booked into jail.

25- To all cops: for every bad guy you place under arrest, there are millions of good people behind you.

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