26- Global competition is undoubtedly here to stay.

27- The politics of immigration are undoubtedly changing.

28- Fashion is undoubtedly a significant cultural medium.

29- Right is undoubtedly a very valuable guide.

30- Your dog undoubtedly obtained another type of plan.

31- Similar problems undoubtedly faced many working class women throughout the period.

32- Many objects undoubtedly still remain undetected, however.

33- This has undoubtedly been a welcome and popular policy.

34- That is undoubtedly a violation of international law.

35- Some people were undoubtedly in difficult situations.

36- This is undoubtedly a tricky balance to decide upon.

37- Their interest in meditation undoubtedly influenced their music.

38- We undoubtedly contributed to our own downfall.

39- This undoubtedly is the appeal of peer support.

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