1- Trucks transporting volatile chemicals are not permitted within the city limits.

2- Their relationship has always been fairly volatile, so I'm not surprised to hear that they've split up.

3- As a result of the uncertainty surrounding interest rates in the United States and Canada, the North American stock markets have been highly volatile over the last few weeks.

4- Support for the President is extremely volatile at this time, with opinion poll results changing weekly.

5- The airplanes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York were carrying tanks filled with highly volatile jet fuel, which caused the huge explosions that triggered the complete destruction of the buildings.

6- When mixed, the chemicals form a highly volatile compound.

7- The situation in the region is volatile, and the military has been put on full alert.

8- The atmosphere outside the courtroom where the victim's parents confronted the defendant's family was quite volatile but police were able to keep everything under control.

9- In the early to mid 1500s, new types and forms of vocal music which modified the dominant Franco-Flemish style appeared throughout Europe.

10- volatileWe are keen to see a general reduction in arms sales because of the volatile situation in the region.

11- volumeThe atmosphere in the Middle East has been described as volatile, and observers are fearing a renewal in the conflict.

12- The airplanes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York were carrying tanks filled with highly volatile jet fuel, which caused the huge explosions that triggered the complete destruction of the buildings.

13- The situation following the arrest of the Opposition leader is quite volatile, and could easily escalate into a serious conflict.

14- George Santayana once suggested that it takes patience to appreciate domestic bliss, volatile spirits prefer unhappiness.

15- The situation in the Middle East continues to be extremely volatile, with suicide bombings and government reprisals a weekly occurrence.

16- My girlfriend's father has a volatile temper, and often explodes for no apparent reason.

17- For things that have had contents with volatile oil like thinners they should be left for a few days to completely evaporate it before being disposed of as nonflammable waste.

18- Ralph Waldo Emerson once noted that there are no fixtures in nature.

19- The universe is fluid and volatile.

20- flameAlternative energy is certainly volatile and doesn't have a history of sustained returns that beat the market.

21- Canadians had already been warned to avoid all travel to Iraq because of the volatile situation there.

22- Core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy, were up just 0.1 percent.

23- Inflation is low and falling, and the job market is good but can get better, and global markets are volatile.

24- It's a little more of a volatile situation,"" Miller told CBC News Friday morning."

25- People who undertake acts of vengeance will only destabilize an already volatile and emotional situation."

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