1- When he finished the work, he went home.

2- I guess most of them went home.

3- After an absence of seven years, I went home.

4- He looked quite pale this morning, and went home sick.

5- Night coming on, we went home.

6- He went home without so much as saying goodbye.

7- He went home as soon as he got the phone call.

8- He went home while it was still light.

9- The arrow went home.

10- I went home.

11- As the lessons were over, the children went home.

12- SwiftIn a fit of anger he said everything he wanted to say and went home.

13- In the end, it was just too much bother so I went home by taxi.

14- As soon as he finished his work, he went home.

15- adjustingThey went home after they had finished the task.

16- The boss went home with a bad headache, so I've canceled all his engagements for the rest of the day.

17- I went home to change my clothes.

18- He could no longer wait and so went home.

19- The journalist filed his report, and then went home.

20- She went home.

21- He went home with a heavy heart.

22- The monster happily filled his sack with bad children, and went home to have a barbecue.

23- The convenience store was overflowing with girls, I didn't have the urge to push my way through them and went home as I was.

24- The monster happily filled his sack with bad children, and went home to have a barbecue.

25- The work over, we went home.

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