1- The Black widow spider is a poisonous insect which can be found in basements and gardens in this area.

2- After mating, the female black widow spider turns on her partner, and eats him.

3- False widow spider bite 'led to finger amputation' How dangerous are false widow spiders?

4- False widow spider bite 'led to finger amputation' How dangerous are false widow spiders?

5- Mud-Dauber wasps Anyone who's seen Arochnophobio will know it's not clever to pick on Black widow spiders.

6- Alison Blackburn, of Bryant Road, Strood, was bitten by a false widow spider "Things aren't going that well," she said.

7- The Black widow spider is a poisonous insect which can be found in basements and gardens in this area.

8- After mating, the female black widow spider turns on her partner, and eats him.

9- On the point of being injected with a Phobian viper venom, moreover.30. Scientists are now making use of the black widow spider's venom to help them understand disabling human diseases.

10- A black widow spider has a distinctive red hourglass marking on its stomach.

11- There are stories about the ant and a black widow spider.

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