know better in a sentence

I know better than to quarrel.

He is old enough to know better.

She is old enough to know better.

I know better than to do such a thing.

I know better than to quarrel with her.

I know better than to do a thing like that.

I know better than to be believe such a rumor.

I know better than to quarrel with my brother.

You should know better than to call at midnight.

You should know better than to talk back to your boss.

He ought to know better than to quarrel with such a fellow.

You should know better than to spend all your money on clothes.

She is old enough to know better than to expect too much of her parents.

I know better than to climb mountains in winter without making all necessary preparations beforehand.

Some people feel that international aid projects to developing nations are implicitly ethnocentric in assuming that the aid workers somehow know better how to survive economically in the region than the people who actually live there.

If you didn’t know better, you’d think this aircraft named Caroline was a mess.

My children wouldn’t take a gun to school and start shooting, they know better.

315274 I am, by no means, excusing their behaviors because adults should know better.

“So spare a thought for two idiots who should know better and please give generously.”

118886 Business people think data quality is an IT problem, while IT people know better.

The Urban Institute should know better than to lump Medicare and Social Security together.

And this is why those of us who know better don’t try to pass in the Emergency Lanes, dumbshirt!

689293 The boy behind the keyboard is a high-school graduate, so you would think he’d know better.

On top of that, his comments are just plain wrong – and he should be in a position to know better.