natural resource in a sentence

The country has abundant natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.

Sarawak has an abundance of natural resources.

Japan is poor in natural resources.

China is rich in natural resources.

natural resources are not limitless.

Japan is not rich in natural resources.

Nigeria is wealthy in natural resources.

We have consumed all the natural resources.

Japan is not abundant in natural resources.

natural resources are not abundant in Japan.

Water is a natural resource of vital importance.

It’s a shame the way natural resources are wasted.

The United States is abundant in natural resources.

Uruguay’s principal natural resource is its rich, black soil.

Water, forests, and minerals are important natural resources.

Russia’s natural resources are the envy of many countries around the globe.

There are not many countries in the world that abound in natural resources.

There is a serious scarcity of natural resources in many areas of the world.

The beaver was Canada’s first natural resource to be exploited by the Europeans.

If we continue to deplete our natural resources, our children will pay the price.

With abundant natural resources, the country has ample potential for development.

Many economic problems in the region stem from the depletion of natural resources.

Discussion question: What must be done to stop the depletion of our natural resources? deport
During the period of the Old Kingdom, Egypt raided Nubia for slaves and natural resources.

Mankind’s consumption of the Earth’s natural resources is proceeding at an incredible rate.

Industrial growth in Panama has been restricted by the country’s lack of natural resources.

Canada is a country which is rich in natural resources such as lumber, fish, and clean water.

Rachel Carson once noted that of all our natural resources, water has become the most precious.

Malaysia’s natural resources fall into three basic categories: agricultural, mineral, and energy.

It is essential to develop alternate energy sources before all our natural resources are consumed.

Mankind’s consumption of the Earth’s natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal pace.

Lack of dependable rainfall has made water an extremely important natural resource throughout Libya.

It is essential to develop alternative energy sources before all our natural resources are consumed.

Reducing our consumption of natural resources does not necessarily mean reducing our quality of life.

Mankind’s consumption of the Earth’s natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal and alarming rate.

Kazakhstan’s industrial sector rests on the extraction and processing of its abundant natural resources.

Iceland is an isolated country with limited natural resources, and must import goods from over 40 countries.

Though it is poor in natural resources, Japan has become an economic superpower thanks to international trade.

Many nations of Asia and the Pacific are making substantial commitments to conserving their natural resources.

Mankind’s consumption of the Earth’s natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal and alarming rate.

Explosive population growth and overuse of natural resources in China are causing habitat for wildlife to vanish.

Colonialism brought with it the horrific exploitation of the people and natural resources of the African continent.

Explosive population growth and overuse of natural resources in China are causing habitat for wildlife to vanish.

Explosive population growth and unsustainable use of natural resources in China are causing habitat for wildlife to vanish.

The aborigines of Australia managed and shaped their natural resources for over 40,000 years without ever resorting to farming.

The land of Trinidad and Tobago, with its beauty and variety of natural resources, has long been one of the nation’s greatest assets.

Modern man already possesses the technical power to solve the problems of pollution, overpopulation, and dwindling natural resources.

James Thurber once said that humor is a serious thing, one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost.

Economic activity in the area of the Arctic Ocean is limited to the exploitation of natural resources, including petroleum, natural gas, fish, and seals.

Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other nations of Asia and the Pacific are making substantial commitments to conserving their natural resources.