
Academic English Advanced Words


Group 1

English Advanced Vocabulary Exercises-2

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   blur      capable      committee      elitist      emergence      flared      imposition      offer      tube   
  1. The bull's nostrils [] and its eyes gleamed with hatred as it charged the matador.
  2. For many people, much of modern theater has become an [] art form which says nothing to the common man.
  3. The head of each [] is expected to meet with the board of directors once a month.
  4. The [] of the digital camera has completely changed the nature of popular photography.
  5. I hope my coming to talk to you isn't an [].
  6. Do you think that a two-year-old child is [] of knowing the difference between telling the truth and lying?
  7. We're going to stay home, and watch the hockey game on the [] tonight.
  8. Find someone who has tried a high-risk sport, such as parachuting or bungy jumping.
  9. Our summer programs [] children the opportunity to try a variety of sports and activities under the supervision of our highly trained staff.
  10. The cars went by so fast that they were just a [].

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