
Academic English Advanced Words


Group 1

English Advanced Vocabulary Exercises-5

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   blurry      committee      elite      emerged      flares      imposed      incapable      offering      risk      tube   
  1. The young man placed an [] of flowers and rice in front of the alter to his ancestors.
  2. My vision went [], and I felt light-headed just before I passed out.
  3. Strict limitations on car ownership have been [] in Hong Kong due to its small size, and large population.
  4. After the accident, the driver lit [] near his car to warn other drivers of the danger.
  5. Gandhi once said that a coward is [] of exhibiting love.
  6. Walter Anderson once said that our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult [] we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
  7. Rome [] as the major power in Italy after 500 B.C.
  8. I bought a handy little pocket-sized [] of toothpaste to take when we go camping.
  9. There is a meeting of the Maintenance [] at three o'clock this afternoon.
  10. Erik Erikson observed that every adult, whether he is a follower or a leader, a member of a mass or of an [], was once a child.

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