abhorrent abhor in a sentence

Compromise is abhorrent to me.

Such an idea is abhorrent to her.

The very thought is abhorrent to me.

I don’t know if it will heal, it’s such an abhorrent event in our history.

Republican Rep. Ed Royce called Myanmar’s treatment of stateless Rohingyas “abhorrent.”

The MoD said: “Rape and sexual assault are abhorrent crimes which have no place in the armed forces.

We abhor violence.

He abhorred lying.

I abhor politics.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

I abhor killing animals.

Compromise is abhorrent to me.

Such an idea is abhorrent to her.

The very thought is abhorrent to me.

I yield to no one in abhorrence of violence.

I don’t know if it will heal, it’s such an abhorrent event in our history.

Republican Rep. Ed Royce called Myanmar’s treatment of stateless Rohingyas “abhorrent.”

The MoD said: “Rape and sexual assault are abhorrent crimes which have no place in the armed forces.