depict in a sentence

Learn how to use depict in a sentence – Example sentences:

His photographs clearly depict the stark brutality of war.

An artist must be very observant in order to depict a scene before him.

The artist is doing a show of a number of his paintings which depict winter scenes of rural Montana.

Discussion question: Who do you have that you can really depend on in your life when you need help or support? depictNot all the carvings celebrate fecundity-a number depict old ladies.

And those areas depict failure when measured against these yardsticks.

Some of the leaves depict scenes from songs on his 1975 album Gord’s Gold.

She used a species of yeast to depict an image of a farmhouse in the fields.

CLN: Why did you decide to publish the work and depict Visual Literacy in The Process?

The television news programs depict images of machine guns, hand grenades and explosives.

In fact, the caricature Petrenko borrowed is intended to depict Yanukovych and his associates.

“What if those abandoned and forgotten cameras would try to depict themselves and their situation?

And even the acts that depict damage to property are all perfectly handled, never sensationalized.

The paintings depict animals and date to the Stone Age .

Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about depict in a sentence