
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "chunk"

The demonstrators were picking up chunks of cement, and throwing them at the policeThe soup had big chunks of chicken in it, as well as some carrots and celery.

The demonstrators were picking up chunks of cement, and throwing them at the police.

The lion tore a chunk of meat off the dead zebra, and swallowed it whole.

Sharon cut the melon into large chunks, and put them in the fruit salad.

My uncle owns a large chunk of land in the middle of this city.

The old woman was wearing cheap, chunky jewelry.

The chocolate ice cream had big chunks of fudge in it.

Dorothy Parker once said that writer Ernest Hemingway had a capacity for enjoyment so vast that he gave away great chunks to those about him.

The child was so hungry that he was biting off huge chunks of his sandwich, and almost swallowing them whole.

A man was killed when a chunk of cement from a building fell on him during the earthquake.

In 1997, boxer Mike Tyson was fined three million dollars for biting a chunk out of the ear of his opponent, Evander Holyfield, during a match.

I found a big chunk of pork in my vegetable soup.

Humans carve the world into meaningful chunks called categories in order to make sense of our environment and the objects contained within it.

Modern language theory suggests that we learn and speak our language in chunks of meaning rather than individual words.

A shooting star results when a small chunk of matter burns up as it enters our earth's atmosphere.

Learning is facilitated when individual items can be chunked into meaningful groups.

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