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use "improve" in a sentence

Your English has really improved in the last few months.

I've noticed a good improvement in Laurie's health since she started eating less junk food.

The doctor said that the patient's health has improved steadily since they put him on some new medication.

The creation of a

new park for children has really improved this neighborhood.

I think you could improve your resum- by emphasizing your experience a bit more.

The new registration system is certainly an improvement on our previous system.

Jamaica's relay team is hoping to improve on

last year's performance in the World Track finals.

Anne Frank wrote in her famous diary, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

There is an Italian proverb which states that nothing improves the taste of pasta more than a good


There is an Italian proverb which states that old wine and friends improve with age.

There is a Spanish proverb which states, "Limit your desires, and you will improve your health."

In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the stock market.

In Korea, dog meat soup is believed to cure summer heat ailments, improve male virility, and improve women's complexions.

The age recorded on a whiskey bottle refers to the number of years it is aged before being bottled because once in the bottle, whiskey does not improve.

Discussion question: What has helped you the most to improve your English?

Find someone who thinks his/her English has improved in the past six months.

income - include - incline - incident - incentive - impulse - 

The word improve sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the improve, a sentence example for improve, and how to make improve in sample sentence, how do I use the word improvein a sentence?spell improve in a sentence? spelling of improvew