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amass in a sentence

Such laborers could amass private property and even be promoted to higher positions.

While his father was away at war, Ramsay began to amass troops at the Dreadfort.

One of his main goals as ruler was to permanently curb the influence of merchants and landlords, yet several of

the decision to amalgamate the Suva and Lautoka Teachers' Associations was made.

Certain existing condominiums can amalgamate, and existing properties can be converted to condominium (provided municipal requirements for the same are met).

Soon after a decision was made to amalgamate St Kilda FC with nearby Prahran Football Club.

Not until 1095 and the Council of Clermont did the Reconquista amalgamate the conflicting concepts of a peaceful pilgrimage and armed knight-errantry.

They agreed to fold and amalgamate with Mill Lane Mission in 1906 but did not formally do so until they had honoured their remaining obligations at the end of the 1907/08 season.

The plan was approved by early summer 1991 and proposed: The 2 battalions of the Royal Irish Rangers would amalgamate to create a single "general Service" battalion.

Dustin Hoffman spoke very nasally and was parodied for his method acting - in one sketch, he manages to amalgamate all of his most famous roles into one by demanding he play "a short, divorced gay woman who's mentally retarded".

It was proposed to amalgamate the school in 1907 with the Established Church (Church of ireland) school in Durrus.

In gwennap no such deposits were found and when low prices caused the collapse of the copper market in the 1860s, many mines were forced to close or amalgamate.

17 more results not shown.

- Example Sentences for amass

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