no point in exemple sentences

There’s no point in waiting.

There is no point in giving him advice.

There is no point in studying if you are feeling tired.

There’s no point in hiring a babysitter for the evening.

I figure that there is no point in trying to persuade him.

There is no point in trying to introduce Japanese literature to him.

He thought that there was no point in studying further in this field.

There is no point in calling elections, Alekos Flabouraris told Greek TV.

There is no point in fighting this further, Tomita said at a press conference.

no point in trying to make it out there and just freezing our hands and bodies in big waves.

Dou Xian then reported that the Northern Shanyu was so weak there was no point in treating with him further.

A good late run eased the Magpies well clear of relegation – at no point in the season, strangely, were they ever in the bottom three.

Mrs. Ip asserted that because the ordinary people would not “understand the legal language”, there was no point in consulting them on it.

“At no point in time has our mission changed,” DeBlieux said.
“At its heart, if you’re not having fun, there’s no point in doing it,” said Lee.
At no point in the last 45 years has its unemployment rate even reached 6 percent.
Abi knows what happened – she’s very grown up for her age, and there is no point in hiding it.
“A doctor will say, ‘He is 70 years old, there is no point in spending money and resources on him’.
“And there is no point in whining that the economic interests of Ukraine and of the individual businessmen would be hurt.
“After that match I told Garcia there was no point in discussing the squad’s performance considering what I did,” Szczesny said.